A GOD FOR TOMORROW (Posted 28 April 2013)GOD IS DEAD! God is dead, cry the atheists. This belief is partly based upon the realization that there are internal contradictions in the Judeo-Christian Bible—as well as in all other “revealed” or “religious” books compiled by mankind to support this religious dogma or that from the Rig Veda to the Qur’an to the Book of Mormon. However, the main issue between the believers in godless science (which itself has become a kind of religion) and those who cling to literal word-for-word interpretations of their “holy” books has to do with the discrepancy, and seeming discrepancies, between the established science of evolution and the belief in a special creation of mankind and/or the entire universe by some god, or god-like power, at some definite point in time in the past (often seen as occurring only five or six thousand years ago).
In between these two extremes are the believers in “Intelligent Design.” “Intelligent Design” is perhaps one of the most misunderstood ideologies of all. Far too many of those in the atheistic fringes consider “Intelligent Design” to be nothing more than “special creation” warmed over—in other words an unequivocal denial of evolution. In reality, however, the “Intelligent Designers” do believe in the science of evolution.
They do believe that science is correct in asserting that the universe is 13 plus billion years old. They differ with the atheistic interpretations of “creation” only in that they believe that the big bang was Caused by a god-like creative power and that the evolution of the stars, planets, and life on earth culminating in mankind was somehow either guided by this “first cause” creative power, or that this “first cause” creative power established certain laws of physics and nature at the very instant of creation that was designed to ultimately lead to intelligent life arising on our planet earth.
Since we have already deconstructed the special creation argument as described in the Book of Genesis and the Qur’an in previously posted essays, let us now turn to the atheistic interpretation of “creation” and see what we find.
Evolution is not a theory. It is established fact. It happens everyday all around us—even in our own bodies. The science of immunology is based upon the facts of the evolutionary process. The evolution of mankind’s outward physical form can be clearly seen in the historical record of our anatomy going back millions of years. In the men's shower room of every gym across the country, or world—you see the evidence for evolution in the hairiness of bodies from those who are as hairy as any chimpanzee to those who have virtually no body hair at all. As for the women’s locker rooms—ask yourselves why you even have any body hair at all if it is not there as evidence of our evolutionary past?
The evolution of mankind’s (and his ancestors’) mental capacities can be clearly seen in the historical record of mankind’s artistic and technological progress going back hundreds of thousands and millions of years. This would seem to support the “everything happened by chance” view of the atheist. And, it is this seeming support for the atheist view that causes the fundamentalist believer in a “special creation” six thousand years ago to completely deny the facts of evolution—even when those facts are staring them right in the face, or right in the mirror.
However, recent developments (discoveries and theories) in science have turned the “everything happened by chance” theories upside down. As modern technological societies such as those located in the northern hemisphere have given science incredible new tools, the scientists using those tools have uncovered many amazing secrets of nature and the universe. On the one hand there are ever more powerful microscopes allowing scientists to see the very structures of nature, down to the atom and even beyond to the very components of the atom, and to the components of the components. And, on the other hand there are the ever more powerful astronomical instruments allowing astronomers to see all the way back to the instant of the Big Bang.
Initially people thought that the Big Bang explained away the need for a God to have created the universe just as Darwinian evolution supposedly explained away the need for a God to have created mankind (as separate from the animal kingdom) on this planet earth. However, a funny thing happened on the way to the discovery of all these new wonders that the new tools of science have given us. The more we look at the microscopic and sub-microscopic world and peer into the very structure of matter at its most fundamental level, the more it looks like . . . . well, . . . . religion. And, likewise, the more we look at the instant of the big bang (and what might have come before the big bang), the more it looks like . . . . well, . . . . religion.
Though the big bang at first may have seemed to have given the atheist a firm peg to hang his/her belief on, its very existence and happening present additional problems for the atheistic dogma. The big bang is postulated on the assumption (to put it very simply) that all matter that exists today in the universe was originally highly compressed into a highly dense ball no larger than a mite. Then it suddenly exploded approximately 13 billion years ago (Kaku, Michio, Parallel Worlds, p. 51).
This theory immediately raises two questions. One, how did that original small mite containing all matter get there? How did it come into existence? The second and most obvious question is how and why did this mite of compressed matter suddenly explode when it did 13 billion years ago? In other words, what caused the big bang?
The scientists seeking a non-god explanation for everything then had to postulate a cosmos with many universes other than our own. The idea being that an older universe “gave birth” to our universe. In other words, that original mite of compressed matter first appeared as a sort of “bubble” emerging out of this older presumed universe. But this raises the question of how did this older universe come into being?
This becomes a chicken and egg argument, an intellectual cul-de-sac, and you are still left with the issue of how the “first” universe came into being (wherever and whenever that “first” universe was), and how the “first” big bang happened—if indeed we live in a multi-verse cosmos as some believe. In other words, the “multi-verse” hypothesis does not answer the Big Bang question at all, it only pushes it further back.
Perhaps that is science’s way of ignoring data that it has no explanation for. As an amusing aside, the “multi-verse” hypotheses presents the possibility that our universe (including mankind’s destiny within it) is nothing more than an eighth grade science experiment conducted by some super race in an alternate universe.
The “mutli-verse” hypotheses also requires a belief in parallel universes and alternate dimensions other than the four that we can measure within our own universe. But then, along came quantum mechanics to gobble up all of these other theories and to prove that none of this (either our Big Bang or some earlier Big Bang in an older alternate universe) could have ever happened without there having been an observer present just prior (at least a split mini-second) to the event.
For those who do not know what quantum mechanics is all about, a brief explanation is in order. It essentially says that at the sub atomic level, every particle has a number of possible states that it could exist in, but until observed by an observer, these states of existence are only “possibilities,” or “potentialities.” This has, in fact, been demonstrated a number of times in laboratory experiments.
The only issue has been whether quantum mechanics which rules the micro cosm has any validity in the macro cosm. More and more physicists are beginning to believe that it does. “There are deep connections between stars and atoms, between the cosmos and the microworld.” (Rees, Martin, Just Six Numbers, 1999, preface). If that is true, then the planet we live on, and in fact the entire physical universe could not have come into existence without an observer there to “cause” the quantum fluctuations. (Once again, having “aliens” in an alternate universe be the “observers” only pushes the argument a little further back as a way to avoid the question).
Physicist Evan Harris Walker notes that “Bell’s theorem discredits the idea of an absolutely objective reality made up of localized, discrete events and bits of discrete matter. It is the death knell of the . . . . doctrine of materialism. One after another, between 1935 and 1970, physicists and mathematicians had told us, had in fact proved, that quantum mechanics is totally at variance with such ideas of a materialistic world.” (Walker, The physics of Consciousness, 2000, p. 133).
Dr. Walker later says, “The Big Bang theory does in fact work, but it must be tweaked. The inflationary theory (meaning a continually expanding universe), together with the Big Bang theory, lets us trace everything back to the very beginning. That beginning is called the Plank era. And what do we find there? We find that the universe began as a primitive, pure, very intense, quantum state that existed in an infinitesimal point of space and time—a moment when all matter potentiality, all space, and all time existed as one thing, one quantum state.
But what is it that we have learned that such quantum states are? We have found that “quantum states” and “mind” are one in the same thing. We have found that in their essential nature, quantum fluctuations are the stuff of consciousness and will. And, now, here, we find that this “mind stuff” was the beginning point of the universe—the stuff that out of a formless void created everything that was created. We find that in the beginning, there was quantum potentiality, . . . . in the beginning, there was the Quantum Mind, a first cause, itself time-independent and non-local, that created space-time and matter/energy.” (Walker, p. 326).
“Yeshua (Jesus) said, ‘Have you discovered the beginning and
now are seeking the end? Where the
beginning is, the end will be.’
“The students said, ‘Tell us what the kingdom of heaven is like.’"
He said to them, ‘It is like a mustard seed, the tiniest of seeds, but . . . . it produces a great plant. . . . . But the kingdom is inside you, and it is outside you.
“Yeshua said, ‘If they say to you, “where have you come from?” say to them, “we have come from the light, from the place where the light came into being by itself, established itself, and appeared in their image.”
. . . . “Yeshua said, ‘I am the one who comes from the undivided, . . . . I am the light over all things. I am all. From me all has come forth, and to me all has reached. Split a piece of wood, and I am in the wood. Lift up the stone, and you will find me in the stone.”
(From the Gospel of Thomas).
“I am first thought, the thought that is in light. I am movement that is in all, she in whom the realm of all takes its stand, the firstborn among those who came into being, she who exists before all. . . . I am invisible within the thought of the invisible one. I am revealed in the immeasurable, ineffable things. I am intangible, dwelling in the intangible. I move in every creature. I am the life of my afterthought that is within every power and every eternal movement, and in invisible lights. . . . I am before all, and I am all, since I am in everyone.” (Nag Hammadi Codex XIII, translated from the Coptic by John D. Turner, and as found in The Gnostic Bible, edited by Willis Barnstone and Marvin Meyer, pp. 211-212).
“And God said, ‘ Let there be light: and there was light’” (Genesis 1:3)
“A growing number of physicists suggest that our universe did indeed spring forth from a fiery cataclysm, the Big Bang” (Kaku, Michio, Parallel Worlds, 2005, p. 5).
The WMAP satellite map of the universe “has driven some astronomers almost to tears, for they represent fluctuations or irregularities in the original, fiery cataclysm of the big bang shortly after the universe was created” (Kaku, p. 9).
From all of this we see that there is little real discrepancy between science and religion. However, this also raises the obvious question (that the atheist may ask) of: “But what was God doing all this time before he caused the Big Bang?” Ah, but religions have asked the same questions for centuries. In Buddhism there is no God at all. There is nothing but a timeless universe with no beginning or end.
Unfortunately for that line of thought, however, is the fact that science now recognizes that “no star could keep burning forever. It would run out of fuel. And, then, since physical systems can undergo irreversible change at a finite rate, then they will have completed those changes an infinite time ago. Just as a clock cannot keep running forever, so the universe cannot have been ‘running’ forever without being rewound. The law (of thermodynamics) imprints upon the universe an arrow of time, pointing the way of unidirectional change.
The fact that the universe has not yet so died—that is, that it is still in a state of less-than-maximum entropy—implies that it cannot have existed for all eternity” (Davies, Paul, The Mind of God, 1992, p. 46, 47). That same law and line of reason, I maintain, would have to apply to any “multiverse” system as well. And yet, the Hindu sages asked in the Mahapurana, “If God created the world, where was He before Creation? . . . Know that the world is uncreated, as time itself is, without beginning and end.”
“Without beginning and without end,” and “the uncreated” are all terms applied to God, rather than to the physical universe itself by many religions, such as in the Gnostic literature quoted above. And, also in the “Christian” Bible we see “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending.” (Revelation 1:8).
So, what was God doing then, before he created creation, whether one believes in a single universe or many? To that question I pose another, why is a physical universe (or universes) necessary in order for God to be “doing” anything? What is wrong with the idea of an immaterial existence?
An existence that is pure mind and consciousness (or spirit if one wishes to call it that) which exists outside of space, time, and whatever physical manifestations may have been present prior to the Big Bang in this universe or any number of “multiverses” one wants to postulate? Isn’t that what the Gnostic literature above is saying?
Isn’t that what computer science teaches us? Software, which is “mind,” exists independently of the hardware that we run it on, and it existed in the mind of some software designer long before it was put into a physical piece of equipment such as a floppy disk or a hard drive. The new testament also hints at the same thing: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1). “And the Word was made flesh.” (John 1:14).
The analogy of the universe, and its creation and evolution, with computer science has been seized upon by an increasing number of cosmologists. Complexity theorist James Gardner in his The Intelligent Universe, AI, ET, and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos postulates that it is our destiny to create artificial intelligence which will then eventually seed the entire universe with intelligence. At that point, the universe itself will become one giant computer, it will become, in essence, “God.” It will then create a new universe and the process will start all over again.
But what if the Universe was already a giant computer? What if all of the matter and energy in the universe act as a giant quantum computer? In this line of thought, then, we, all of the animals and plants on our planet, other solar systems, the sun, stars, galaxies and black holes—all of that together comprises the hardware of the cosmic computer, and the software is, well . . . . God.
The individual components of this cosmic computer are no more aware that they are components of a larger system than do individual cells of your body (all of whom live and die, and try to reproduce before they die, just like you do) know that they are no more than tiny components within a larger system. In this regard computer genius Edward Fredkin says that information is the basic stuff of which the universe is made, and that matter and energy are derivative phenomena. The universe is very literally a computer and it is being used by someone, or something, to solve a problem (from Gardner, James, The Intelligent Universe, AI, ET and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos, 2007, p. 30).
Now, as if all of this was not weird enough, things really get far out when we look at the sub-microscopic world.
Matter, as any 8th grade science student can tell you, is composed of atoms. Science has also recently discovered that the atoms, once thought to be the smallest element of matter, are themselves made up of even smaller particles such as quarks and electrons. According to the “string” theory of the universe, the quarks and electrons are themselves nothing more than tiny loops of vibrating string.
In other words, everything at its most microscopic level consists of combinations of vibrating strands. The observed particle properties (such as you and me) are nothing more than the reflection of the various ways in which a string can vibrate. Just as the strings on a violin or a piano have resonant frequencies at which they prefer to vibrate, the same holds true for the loops of string theory.
But rather than producing musical notes, each of the preferred patterns of vibration of a string in string theory appears as a particle whose mass and force charges are determined by the string’s oscillatory pattern. The electron is a string vibrating one way, the up-quark is a string vibrating another way, and so on. Far from being a collection of chaotic experimental facts, particle properties in string theory are the manifestation of one and the same physical feature: the resonant patterns of vibration—the music so to speak—of fundamental loops of string. (Greene, Brian, The Elegant Universe, 1999, pp. 14-16).
Einstein once said that if a theory did not offer a physical picture that even a child could understand, then it was probably useless. Behind string theory is such a picture, a picture based on music. According to string theory if you had a super microscope and could peer into the heart of an electron, you would see not a point particle, but a vibrating string. The string is extremely tiny, a billion, billion times smaller than a proton.
But, then, if we were to pluck this string, the vibration would change. The electron might turn into a neutrino. Pluck it again and it might turn into a quark. In fact if you plucked it just right, it could turn into any of the known subatomic particles. In this way string theory can explain why there are so many sub-atomic particles—they are nothing but different “notes” that one can play on a superstring. In fact, all the subparticles of the universe can be viewed as nothing more than different vibrations of the string. The “harmonies” of the string are the laws of physics. Thus, the universe can now be viewed as a vast symphony of strings. (Kaku, pp. 196-197).
If string theory is right, then, the microscopic fabric of our universe is a richly intertwined multidimensional labyrinth within which the strings of the universe endlessly twist and vibrate, rhythmically beating out the laws of the cosmos. Far from being accidental details, the properties of nature’s basic building blocks are deeply entwined with the fabric of space and time. (Greene, p. 18). If string theory is correct, we now see that the Mind of God represents cosmic music resonating through hyperspace. (Kaku, p. 198).
Let us revisit for a moment the idea of the universe as one giant quantum computer. What if all of the sub-atomic “strings” of which we and everything else in the universe (including gravity and all other forces) is composed of at the most fundamental sub-microscopic level, what if all of these infinite numbers of strings in the universe were in communication with each other via their “musical” vibrations, or waves? Has not quantum physics taught us that “you could only understand the universe as a dynamic web of interconnection? Things once in contact (i.e. sub-atomic particles) remained always in contact through all space and time” (McTaggart, Lynne, The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe, 2002, p. xv).
Increasingly more scientists around the globe grew uncomfortable with doing quantum physics by rote as they began probing deeper. Many began to think again about a few equations that had always been subtracted out of quantum physics. These equations stood for the Zero Point Field—an ocean of microscopic vibrations in the space between things. Thus, when these equations are included in our conception of the most fundamental nature of matter, then the very underpinning of our universe was a heaving sea of energy—one vast quantum field.
On the most fundamental level, living beings, including human beings, are packets of quantum energy constantly exchanging information with this inexhaustible energy sea. This information, from cellular communication to the vast array of controls of DNA is relayed through an information exchange on the quantum level. Even our minds operate according to these quantum processes.
Thinking, feeling, every higher cognitive function is possible because of quantum information pulsing simultaneously through our brains and body. Human perception occurs because of interactions between the subatomic particles of our brains and the quantum energy sea. We literally resonate with our world (McTaggart, p. xvii.).
The existence of this Zero Point Field implies that all matter in the universe was interconnected by waves (the vibrations of string theory mentioned above) which are spread out through time and space and can carry on to infinity, tying one part of the universe to every other part (McTaggart, p. 24). Scientists were soon able to demonstrate in the laboratory what F.A. Popp had proposed, and that was that each molecule in the universe had a unique frequency and the language it used to speak to the world was a resonating wave.
Laser physicists Hal Puthoff, said that this means that we and all the matter of the universe are literally connected to the furthest reaches of the cosmos through the Zero Point Field waves of the grandest dimensions. And systems theorist Ervin Laszlo and other scientists have gone on to argue that the brain is simply the retrieval and read-out mechanism of the ultimate storage medium—the Field (Laszlo, Ervin, The Interconnected Universe: Conceptual foundations of Transdisciplinary Unified Theory, 1995).
British Biologist Rupert Sheldrake independently reached the conclusion that the forms of self-organizing living things—everything from molecules and organisms to societies and even entire galaxies—are shaped by morphic fields. These fields have a morphic resonance, a cumulative memory, of similar systems through culture and time, so that species of animals and plants ‘remember’ not only how to look but also how to act (Sheldrake, Rupert, A New Science of Life: The Hypothesis of Formative Causation, 1981). In this regard neuroanatomist Harold S. Burr had earlier been able to show that young Salamanders possessed an energy field shaped like an adult salamander, and that this blueprint even existed in an unfertilized egg (Burr, The Fields of Life, 1972).
In other words, living systems seem to be able to tap into the great data base that the Zero Point Field appears to be. Another way to put this is that through experimentation, a number of scientists have demonstrated that there may be such a thing as a life force flowing through the universe—what has often been called collective consciousness, or, as theologians have termed it, the Holy Spirit (McTaggart, xviii).
Nature was not blind and mechanistic, but open-ended, intelligent and purposeful, making use of a cohesive learning feedback process of information being fed back and forth between organisms and their environment. Its unifying mechanism was not a fortunate mistake but information which had been encoded and transmitted everywhere at once (according to neuropsychologist K.H. Pribram as related to L. McTaggart).
To sum up what we now know about “God” we must begin with a deconstruction of the typical “Christian” view of God as an old man with a long white beard who resides somewhere “up there” and every now and then interferes with events here on earth. This view of “God” descends directly from the Babylonian and Sumerian view of Nanna-Suen the moon god, as related in The Last King of Babylon trilogy.
The Old man with the long white beard was also how Canaanites and the people of Ugarit pictured their god El. Michelangelo immortalized that “pagan” view of “God” for western Christianity in his Sistine chapel paintings. Throughout history mankind has created his “gods” in his own image, but such an image of “God” is infantile, inaccurate, and if I were a religious person I would call it down right blasphemous. “God,” or whatever quantum weirdness out there that performs the functions we think of as “God,” is too vast and ephemeral (i.e. non physical, non-local) to be contained within a human-looking body, no matter how large we want to make that body.
Rather, it appears that each one of us might well be part god, or have some smidgen of the essence of “God” within our very beings. The discussions we have encountered in this essay have indicated that we are all nothing but collections of oscillating waves vibrating on specific frequencies, and that our material existence is nothing more than an expression of these vibrations at these specific frequencies. In fact, all particles in the universe, all stars, and all galaxies, are precisely that—collections of oscillating waves whose physical manifestations are nothing more than the expression of these vibrations at specific frequencies.
We have learned also that every particle in the universe, and every molecule, is in constant communication with every other particle and molecule in the universe at the quantum level. Something of this sort is what Yeshu’a ben Yusuf (Jesus) must have meant when he said “I am in that rock, I am in that piece of wood.” In other words, we are all “God” and “God” is in all things, even the rocks and the pieces of wood. And, this, of course, is just another way of expressing “deism.”
So, is the universe a giant quantum computer of which we all are components? Is that giant quantum computer “God?” And, these questions take us back to our original question, only perhaps phrased a little differently: If the universe is a quantum computer, and that quantum computer is “God,” did it (God) come into being with the big bang? Did it come into being at the creation of the universe? Did it create itself? Or, was there something else already in existence?
Quantum mechanics teaches us that all particles exist in every possible state until observed (or measured), only then do they assume the state that we deem as their correct physical manifestation. If there is any validity to quantum mechanics and quantum physics, then the same principle must have held true for the universe just prior to the big bang. We have found that the universe began as a primitive, pure, intense quantum state that existed in an infinitesimal point of space and time—a moment when all matter potentiality, all space, and all time, existed as one thing, one quantum state.
We have further learned that quantum states and mind are one and the same thing. Quantum fluctuations are the stuff of consciousness and will. And, so, now, we find that this “mind stuff” was the beginning point of the universe—the stuff that out of a formless void created everything that was created. We find that in the beginning, there was this quantum potentiality. We discover that in the beginning, there was the Quantum Mind, a first cause, itself time-independent and non-local, that created space-time and matter/energy (Walker, p. 326).
We have seen that our universe came into being in an explosive expansion of potential states described by quantum theory. In an instant, the mind of the cosmos created our physical universe in a thought, in a conscious act of will (Walker, p. 329). We have found that what we once had thought was an independent and objective physical world is in fact contingent upon the observer. In other words, the quantum view of matter requires the presence of an observer (Walker p. 330).
Walker postulates that the human brain functions as a result of quantum fluctuations and that the thoughts we think, as represented by the firing of the synapses in our brains, are subject to a consciousness and a will that exists outside of the physical matter of the synapses and the grey material that surrounds it (Walker, pp. 253-266). In like manner, “God” the ultimate will and consciousness exits independent of, and outside of, the physical universe.
Or, to put it another way, when looking at the big bang we see that there had to be a consciousness and a will that existed outside of the compressed mite of potentialities that was our universe prior to the quantum event that was the big bang, and it was that will and consciousness that caused the big bang to happen. In other words, this “will” and “consciousness” had to predate the big bang.
“Will” and “consciousness” then are THE causal factor in both the macro cosm of the universe and in the micro cosm of the firings of the neurons in your brain, and the quantum actions of sub-atomic particles when observed by an observer. We have learned also that that “first cause” consciousness and will is also somehow connected with the Zero Point Field that permeates the entire universe—including us.
Perhaps that is what Yeshu’a ben Yusuf meant when he said: “Whoever blasphemes against the father will be forgiven, and whoever blasphemes against the son will be forgiven, but whoever blasphemes against the holy spirit will not be forgiven, either on earth or in heaven.” (Gospel of Thomas, 45). In other words, the “father” and “son” portions of the so-called Christian “trinity” are figments of the human imagination, but the Holy Ghost (which corresponds to Walker’s “Mind” and “Consciousness”) is the only reality.
Jesus said, “Come here so I can teach you what no person has ever seen, for there exists a great and boundless realm whose horizons not even a generation of angels has looked upon. And, therein is the great invisible spirit (from “literature of Gnostic wisdom” The Gnostic Bible, p. 148).
So what is “God”? And, where does “he” reside? “God” is pure mind, quantum mind, will, and consciousness, he exists independent of, and outside of, our physical universe, space, and time, and yet “he” is also at the same time “in” our universe in the form of the Zero Point field, or quantum computer that is the universe. It is this conclusion that has led Lynne McTaggart and others to postulate that this unified force field serves as a data base for all of our actions and thoughts, and even serves as a back-up hard drive for portions of our memory. And, it is to this energy field that we (that is our consciousness) return(s) after we die.
And the students asked, “Where is the kingdom of heaven?”
And Yeshu’a said, “the kingdom of heaven is inside you, and it is outside you.”
And, Yeshu’a said, “I am first thought, the thought that is light. . . . I move in every creature. I am the life of my afterthoughts that is within every power and every eternal movement, and in invisible lights . . . . I am before all, and I am all, since I am in everyone.” (Gnostic literature)

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for reawakening an older, vengeful god, who offers all humanity a kind of
Faustian bargain: live forever, in peace, enjoying vast knowledge--but only in
return for unquestioning devotion and surrender of free will. This "god" is an artifact buried on
the moon by ancient space travelers.
The Jericho Tablet does what a thriller is supposed to do, which in my view is:
(1) keep you up all night reading, and then (2) keep you trying to mind-cast
the movie.
Janis Weisbrot, copy editor for Seven Stories Press
The Jericho Tablet is a fast-paced novel that is a genuine page-turner. The author uses his extensive background in archaeology, languages, Middle East cultures, and the NSA to tell a contemporary (although set in 2020) and original story that both entertains and educates. The Jericho Tablet is filled with believable characters and incidents in the USA, Russia, and the Middle East. The ending both surprised and worked for me. The author also deftly interweaves simultaneous events taking place in different locales. The Jericho Tablet has all the ingredients to make a great film.
Donald Michael Platt, former script writer and author of the award-winning novel Rocamora
Government conspiracies, religious fanatics, ancient myths, global intrigue and science fiction spice this thriller. Barry Webb has used his knowledge of ancient history, near eastern culture and US government agencies to write a fast-moving story that is peopled with believable characters. I was caught up immediately and stayed captive until the end. Recommended reading!
Fran Marian, author of Carved in Stone and The Rug Broker
“This is one Exciting Read. The Jericho Tablet is a thriller that has many parallels and similarities between our present world and what could very well happen in the future. Rich in history and understanding of the Middle Eastern mind renders this work extremely educational as well. I learned a lot. The tempo never slackens and the author’s masterful ability to switch scenes on a global stage while retaining plot continuity at a heated pace keeps the reader wanting more. Like a proverbial “literary box of chocolates,” after one or two chapters of this page-turner, I can assure you that you’ll be hooked!”
Col. Richard F. "Dick" Brauer Jr. USAF (Ret.) Co-Founder of Special Operations Speaks.